Timing | Topic | Speaker/s |
Master of Ceremonies & Chief Moderators: | ||
Prasad Iyer, SP Misra, Naresh Bhat, Manisha Dwivedi, Rajkumar Wadhwa, Sanjay Salunke, Sachin Palnitkar, Sahil Rasane OT Moderators: |
13.00 - 13.50 | Registration & Lunch | |
13.55 - 14.00 | Welcome, Introduction | Amol Bapaye |
Optimizing Early Diagnosis & Characterization | ||
14.00 - 14.08 | Improving UGI Cancer diagnosis - What one needs to do? | Naresh Bhat |
14.08 - 14.16 | Optimizing Colonoscopy Technique to improve Polyp Detection | Prakash Zacharias |
14.16 - 14.24 | Tools for Barrett's evaluation | Prasad Iyer |
14.24 - 14.32 | How to select your patient for UGI ESD (Lesion detection, characterization, pre-procedure workup) | Naresh Bhat |
14.32 - 14.40 | Colon polyp characterization | Yoji Takeuchi |
14.40 - 15.00 | Discussion | |
Moderators: |
EMR - Technical Update | ||
15.00 - 15.08 | Cold Snare EMR | Harshal Mandavdhare |
15.08 - 15.16 | Underwater EMR | Mathew Philip |
15.16 - 15.24 | Optimal Technique of Piecemeal EMR | Shridhar Sundaram |
15.24 - 15.32 | Duodenal EMR (for SNADETs) | Noriya Uedo |
15.32 - 15.40 | EMR for Barrett's | Prasad Iyer |
15.40 - 16.00 | Discussion | |
Moderators: |
16.00 - 18.00 | Live Demonstrations | |
Moderators: Chairpersons: |
ESD - Nuances of Technique | ||
18.00 - 18.08 | Planning your ESD (Instrumentation, Diathermy Settings & Patient Position) | Asma Al Kandhari |
18.08 - 18.16 | Mucosal Incision & Trimming - the crucial step for successful ESD | Zaheer Nabi |
18.16 - 18.24 | Technical Tips for optimal SM dissection (including SM fibrosis) | Noriya Uedo |
18.24 - 18.32 | How to choose an optimal traction device - clip, clip & line, countertraction, clip & band | Yoji Takeuchi |
18.32 - 18.40 | Conventional vs pocket / tunnel ESD - How to choose? | Nilay Mehta |
18.40 - 19.00 | Discussion | |
Moderators: |
Keynote Lectures | ||
19.00 - 19.15 |
Future Scope of ELS - What lies ahead? |
Amit Maydeo (online) |
19.15 - 19.30 |
AI in GI Cancer Diagnosis - Hip or Hype? |
Noriya Uedo |
19.30 - 19.45 |
Robotics for ELS - Dream or Reality? |
DN Reddy |
19.45 - 20.00 |
Training & Credentialing for ELS |
Prasad Iyer |
Chairpersons: |
20.00 - 21.00 | Live Transmission from University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (Prof. Eduardo de Moura & team) - Endovac, Tunneling Endoscopy for Endobariatrics | |
Moderators: |
21.00 - 21.05 | Wrap up Day 1 | |
21.05 onwards | Dinner |
Timing | Topic | Speaker/s |
08.55 - 09.00 | Welcome, Updates of Day 1, Overview of Day 2 | Harshal Gadhikar |
POEM & Tunneling Endoscopy - Finer Points | ||
09.00 - 09.08 | Pre-procedure Workup & Checklist for POEM | Vikas Singla |
09.08 - 09.16 | Mucosal incision - Planning & Execution | Rajesh Puri |
09.16 - 09.24 | Tips & Tricks for SM tunneling & crossing the GEJ | Mohan Ramchandani |
09.24 - 09.32 | POEM in sigmoid esophagus, epiphrenic diverticula | Nilay Mehta |
09.32 - 09.40 | Securing the tunnel? Tips on effective mucosal closure (including G-POEM & Z-POEM) | Gaurav Patil |
09.40 - 10.00 | Discussion | |
Moderators: |
10.00 - 12.00 | Live Demonstrations | |
Moderators: Chairpersons: |
Perforation Management | ||
12.00 - 12.08 | Perforation during colonic EMR / ESD - immediate action points (including clip closure) | Pankaj Desai |
12.08 - 12.16 | Clip closure of EMR / ESD defects - what you need to know? | Asma Al Kandhari |
12.16 - 12.24 | Endoloop + clips - when, where & how? | Sudipta Dhar Chowdhury |
12.24 - 12.32 | Full-thickness clips - when & when not? | Saurabh Mukewar |
12.32 - 12.40 | Endoscopic suturing & X-tack - when & how? | Mouen Khashab |
12.40 - 13.00 | Discussion | |
Moderators: |
Lunch Symposium - Emerging Technologies (Industry supported) | ||
13.00 - 13.15 | EndoAid & EndoBrain - Clinical Applications | Yoji Takeuchi |
13.15 - 13.30 | Resection Knives - Endoscopist's Weapon, wield judiciously! | Zaheer Nabi |
13.30 - 13.45 | Improving Efficiency of ELS - Updates on HybridKnife technology | Asma Al Kandhari |
13.45 - 14.00 | Novel Energy Platforms for ELS - Time to change the Paradigm? | Zach Tsiamoulos (online) |
Chairpersons: |
Tunneling Potpourie | ||
14.00 - 14.08 | STER - tricks to improve success | Mohan Ramchandani |
14.08 - 14.16 | Improving technical success of G-POEM | Mouen Khashab |
14.16 - 14.24 | Technical checklist for PREM | Amol Bapaye |
14.24 - 14.32 | EFTR for Gastric SELs - Optimal Technique | Noriya Uedo |
14.32 - 14.40 | Z-POEM - optimal approach | Pankaj Desai |
14.00 - 15.00 | Discussion | |
Moderators: |
15.00 - 17.00 | Live Demonstrations | |
Moderators: Chairpersons: |
Endo Lumenal Surgery - Bailing out of Complex Situations | ||
17.00 - 17.08 | Gas related AEs - prevention & resolution | Praveer Rai |
17.08 - 17.16 | Mucosal Injury during tunneling endoscopy - How to prevent? How to treat? | Jayanta Samanta |
17.16 - 17.24 | Bleeding during ESD & tunneling endoscopy - How to prevent, how to manage? | Rajesh Puri |
17.24 - 17.32 | Delayed perforation / fistula - Endovac to the rescue | Mouen Khashab |
17.32 - 17.40 | FTRD for GI lesions - optimal indications, correct technique | Zaheer Nabi |
17.40 - 18.00 | Discussion | |
Moderators: |
18.00 - 19.00 | Share & Learn (Competitive Video Forum - 7 videos - 5+3min each) | |
Moderators (Judges): Chairpersons: |
19.00 - 19.05 | Wrap up - Day 2, Conference Closure, Announcement of Winners of Share & Learn | Amol Bapaye & DMH Team |
20.00 onwards | Dinner |
Timing | Topic |
08.30 - 14.30 | Hands on Training |
ESD | |
POEM | |
SpeedBoat | |
OTSC Clips | |
Endoscopic Suturing | |
14.30 onwards | Lunch & Disperse (Lunch will be served post 12.00 hrs for those who wish to depart earlier) |
Shivanand Desai Center for Digestive Disorders,
Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Center,
Pune 411004, India.
Office No. 4, Ground Floor, Anmol Co-Operative Housing Soc.,Sakharam Keer Road, Parallel to L. J. Road, Shivaji Park, Mumbai - 16.