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Timing Topic Speaker/s
Master of Ceremonies & Chief Moderators:

Prasad Iyer, SP Misra, Naresh Bhat, Manisha Dwivedi, Rajkumar Wadhwa, Sanjay Salunke, Sachin Palnitkar, Sahil Rasane

OT Moderators:
Harshal Gadhikar, Rajendra Pujari, Nachiket Dubale

13.00 - 13.50 Registration & Lunch
13.55 - 14.00 Welcome, Introduction Amol Bapaye
Optimizing Early Diagnosis & Characterization
14.00 - 14.08 Improving UGI Cancer diagnosis - What one needs to do? Naresh Bhat
14.08 - 14.16 Optimizing Colonoscopy Technique to improve Polyp Detection Prakash Zacharias
14.16 - 14.24 Tools for Barrett's evaluation Prasad Iyer
14.24 - 14.32 How to select your patient for UGI ESD (Lesion detection, characterization, pre-procedure workup) Naresh Bhat
14.32 - 14.40 Colon polyp characterization Yoji Takeuchi
14.40 - 15.00 Discussion

Lalit Shimpi, Shrikant Appasani, Ashik Sainu, Veera Raghavan

EMR - Technical Update
15.00 - 15.08 Cold Snare EMR Harshal Mandavdhare
15.08 - 15.16 Underwater EMR Mathew Philip
15.16 - 15.24 Optimal Technique of Piecemeal EMR Shridhar Sundaram
15.24 - 15.32 Duodenal EMR (for SNADETs) Noriya Uedo
15.32 - 15.40 EMR for Barrett's Prasad Iyer
15.40 - 16.00 Discussion

Rajkumar Wadhwa, Nitin Behl, Meghraj Ingle, Ashutosh Mahapatra

16.00 - 18.00 Live Demonstrations

Elly Ogutu, Udaysinh Patil, Gaurav Chawla, Nitin Pai

Ravi Gupta, Sukrit Sud, Aniruddha Gopanpallikar, Bimal Kumar Sahu

ESD - Nuances of Technique
18.00 - 18.08 Planning your ESD (Instrumentation, Diathermy Settings & Patient Position) Asma Al Kandhari
18.08 - 18.16 Mucosal Incision & Trimming - the crucial step for successful ESD Zaheer Nabi
18.16 - 18.24 Technical Tips for optimal SM dissection (including SM fibrosis) Noriya Uedo
18.24 - 18.32 How to choose an optimal traction device - clip, clip & line, countertraction, clip & band Yoji Takeuchi
18.32 - 18.40 Conventional vs pocket / tunnel ESD - How to choose? Nilay Mehta
18.40 - 19.00 Discussion

Sukrit Sud, Radhika Chavan, Yogesh Shastri, Jahangeer Basha

Keynote Lectures
19.00 - 19.15

Future Scope of ELS - What lies ahead?

Amit Maydeo (online)
19.15 - 19.30

AI in GI Cancer Diagnosis - Hip or Hype?

Noriya Uedo
19.30 - 19.45

Robotics for ELS - Dream or Reality?

DN Reddy
19.45 - 20.00

Training & Credentialing for ELS

Prasad Iyer

AL Kakrani, PS Lawate, Sandeep Nijhawan, Ramesh Satarkar, Amol Bapaye

20.00 - 21.00 Live Transmission from University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (Prof. Eduardo de Moura & team) - Endovac, Tunneling Endoscopy for Endobariatrics

D Nageshwar Reddy, Mouen Khashab, Naresh Bhat, Amol Bapaye, Nilay Mehta

21.00 - 21.05 Wrap up Day 1
21.05 onwards Dinner
Timing Topic Speaker/s
08.55 - 09.00 Welcome, Updates of Day 1, Overview of Day 2 Harshal Gadhikar
POEM & Tunneling Endoscopy - Finer Points
09.00 - 09.08 Pre-procedure Workup & Checklist for POEM Vikas Singla
09.08 - 09.16 Mucosal incision - Planning & Execution Rajesh Puri
09.16 - 09.24 Tips & Tricks for SM tunneling & crossing the GEJ Mohan Ramchandani
09.24 - 09.32 POEM in sigmoid esophagus, epiphrenic diverticula Nilay Mehta
09.32 - 09.40 Securing the tunnel? Tips on effective mucosal closure (including G-POEM & Z-POEM) Gaurav Patil
09.40 - 10.00 Discussion

Anil Arora, Satish Kulkarni, Prashant Bhandarkar, Jayanta Samantha

10.00 - 12.00 Live Demonstrations

Chalapathi Rao, Zubin Sharma, Bhushan Pandit, Advay Aher

Pravin Suryawanshi, Kapil Jamwal, Hussain Bohri, Saransh Jain

Perforation Management
12.00 - 12.08 Perforation during colonic EMR / ESD - immediate action points (including clip closure) Pankaj Desai
12.08 - 12.16 Clip closure of EMR / ESD defects - what you need to know? Asma Al Kandhari
12.16 - 12.24 Endoloop + clips - when, where & how? Sudipta Dhar Chowdhury
12.24 - 12.32 Full-thickness clips - when & when not? Saurabh Mukewar
12.32 - 12.40 Endoscopic suturing & X-tack - when & how? Mouen Khashab
12.40 - 13.00 Discussion

Sravan Kumar Korrapati, Shridhar Sundaram, N Suraj Kumar, Alok Mishra

Lunch Symposium - Emerging Technologies (Industry supported)
13.00 - 13.15 EndoAid & EndoBrain - Clinical Applications Yoji Takeuchi
13.15 - 13.30 Resection Knives - Endoscopist's Weapon, wield judiciously! Zaheer Nabi
13.30 - 13.45 Improving Efficiency of ELS - Updates on HybridKnife technology Asma Al Kandhari
13.45 - 14.00 Novel Energy Platforms for ELS - Time to change the Paradigm? Zach Tsiamoulos (online)

VK Thorat, Anil Arora, Naresh Bhat

Tunneling Potpourie
14.00 - 14.08 STER - tricks to improve success Mohan Ramchandani
14.08 - 14.16 Improving technical success of G-POEM Mouen Khashab
14.16 - 14.24 Technical checklist for PREM Amol Bapaye
14.24 - 14.32 EFTR for Gastric SELs - Optimal Technique Noriya Uedo
14.32 - 14.40 Z-POEM - optimal approach Pankaj Desai
14.00 - 15.00 Discussion

Sandip Pal, Nitin Pai, Sudipta Dhar Chowdhury, SP Bhandari

15.00 - 17.00 Live Demonstrations

Anil Arora, Mandar Doiphode, Sheetal Mahajani, Rakesh Kumar Adi

Sudhir Maharshi, Sunil Jain, Vaibhav Banait, Sujit Jahagirdar

Endo Lumenal Surgery - Bailing out of Complex Situations
17.00 - 17.08 Gas related AEs - prevention & resolution Praveer Rai
17.08 - 17.16 Mucosal Injury during tunneling endoscopy - How to prevent? How to treat? Jayanta Samanta
17.16 - 17.24 Bleeding during ESD & tunneling endoscopy - How to prevent, how to manage? Rajesh Puri
17.24 - 17.32 Delayed perforation / fistula - Endovac to the rescue Mouen Khashab
17.32 - 17.40 FTRD for GI lesions - optimal indications, correct technique Zaheer Nabi
17.40 - 18.00 Discussion

Sudipta Dhar Chowdhury, Vivekanand Kulkarni, Saurabh Mukewar, Rajendra Pujari

18.00 - 19.00 Share & Learn (Competitive Video Forum - 7 videos - 5+3min each)

Moderators (Judges):
Noriya Uedo, Yoji Takeuchi, Mouen Khashab, Prasad Iyer, Asma Alkandari

Amol Bapaye, Mathew Philip, Rajesh Puri

19.00 - 19.05 Wrap up - Day 2, Conference Closure, Announcement of Winners of Share & Learn Amol Bapaye & DMH Team
20.00 onwards Dinner
  • Sunday 30th July 2021
    08.30 - 14.30 hrs (IST)
Timing Topic
08.30 - 14.30 Hands on Training
OTSC Clips
Endoscopic Suturing
14.30 onwards Lunch & Disperse (Lunch will be served post 12.00 hrs for those who wish to depart earlier)

Foundation for Research and Education in Endoscopy

For more information, contact Dr. Amol Bapaye

Shivanand Desai Center for Digestive Disorders,
Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Center,
Pune 411004, India.

Official Professional Conference Organiser : VAMA EVENTS PVT LTD

Office No. 4, Ground Floor, Anmol Co-Operative Housing Soc.,Sakharam Keer Road, Parallel to L. J. Road, Shivaji Park, Mumbai - 16.